Speaker Name: Hosted by Nate Pelton
Speaker Info: Associate Principal K-5
Date/Time: September 22, 2023
Brief Event Description
AIER coordinated with Whitworth's School of Education
During the experience, a student commented, "I love my teacher here - she likes teaching." Another commented, "I am learning Spanish that I can use at home."
Visitors shared the following reflections:
There seems to be a VERY friendly and engaged student body
The staff appear dedicated and have a shared culture of “relationships first”
Great integration of internationally focused curriculum across the entire school – K-10
Very accepting and supportive student culture – students feel part of the community when they are there.
The visit included the following people:
17 Whitworth University pre-service undergraduate education students
2 AIER Board Members
2 Whitworth professors (Dr. Lisa Hoxie, Dr. Lori Johnson)
Other information shared about the school
What is the school known for?:
Strong dedicated and integrated International approach
Great student and parent community
Is there something at the school people rave about?:
Spanish Language mandatory K=12! - who else does that?
Very high teacher to adult ratios across all aspects of the school
Innovative 11-12th grade running-start integrated program
Is there someone at the school people rave about?:
Morgan Flowers – Head of School – visionary leader for schools